keeping the sabbath day holy

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Over 4th of July weekend, I convinced Tiffany and Char to skip church and worship nature in the mountains with me. We drove to Brighton ski resort and hiked to the sister lakes up there, then drove the Alpine Loop.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


Char said...

Thanks for driving us all up there that day! It was such a blast and did my soul much MUCH good. I loved Lake Mary and the Alpine Loop was incredible, as always.

Tiffany said...

Yes, Nikki, thanks so much for getting us out there! The Alpine Loop was AMAZING.

And your references to the church are hysterical. Even if it's irreverant, I can't help laughing.

Tiffany said...

And I loved that picture of Lake Catherine. Such a beautiful shot!

Jessi said...

Bahahahahaha, you're funny. Real nice pics.

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