Don't watch this if you're eating

Friday, February 6, 2009

So my friend Eric went on a church mission to Korea and was exposed to a wonderous maaarvelous treat: live octopus. He says that over there they usually cut a live squid or octupus up into little squirming fun-sized pieces and gulp them down immediately. Says you can feel the spasming suckers pull at you esophogus on its way down.... I didn't want to believe him, oh no. Then b3ta sent me a delightful newsletter about all kinds of disgusting gourmet foods and had this video attached to it. This is even more hardcore than what I just described, if you can believe it. Bon Ape-tit

[YouTube Link]


Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh. That was...
I feel slimy and icky all over.
But I thought the music was a nice touch to the whole experience.

Sarah and Eric said...

wow.... yea, I never ate the live squirming heads. Just the freshly snipped off sucky legs.

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