Se Me Esta Escapando

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mom got me to sit down and watch Mamma Mia with her the other day. I really had no interest in watching that movie, ever, but it turned out to be really fun, mainly because the movie is set up for the purpose of exhibiting all those ABBA songs that I grew up with. Meryl Streep is this spunky, fun, beautiful lady in it too. What class. My favorite moment of the film was when she sang Slipping Through My Fingers with her daughter. Must admit it made me tear up a bit. I don't have children, but that song really articulates what it must sometimes feel like to watch your child grow up and experience things that you'll never experience and to explore influences that are not your own.

In my family, the bands we listened to most were ABBA, Barry Manilow (okay he's not really a band), Asia, and Air Supply. For some reason (maybe because my Dad went on his mission to Guatamala) we listened to the ABBA Spanish Oro album as much as their others. The song Slipping Through My Fingers is called Se Me Esta Escapando on that album and this version of the song is my absolute favorite ABBA song of all time. Listening to it makes me feel like a little girl again, driving in minivans late at night on family road trips, dozing off. Here you can listen to it. Watching the vid it looks like they're singing the English version with the Spanish version playing over it. But that's okay. The music is what's most important.


Tiffany said...

Yeah, Char said she liked the movie because the whole reason for it was to sing ABBA songs. It would be interesting to see Meryl Streep in a singing role!

And I had to laugh at the idea of Mom coercing you into watching it. I miss you guys.

Char said...

Aww you watched it! Yeah, I love Meryl in that movie. It was just fun to see all the songs done on screen. I loved "Dancing Queen," when all the women on the island danced down to the beach. "The Winner Takes it All" and "Slipping Through My Fingers" were definitely my favorite parts. I cried during that song, too! It reminded me of Mom helping me get ready on my wedding day, and when she was saying goodbye to me as she helped me get out of my 1,000 buttoned dress after the reception.

I'm glad you thought it was fun, too. And isn't it HILARIOUS how Pierce Brosnan canNOT sing??

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