Saturday, January 17, 2009
A couple things:
#1. At work the other night, one of the respiratory therapists came in to do some work and saw me reading during a lot of downtime and said "You know, people read books to fall asleep, not to stay awake when things are slow." I told him I read to stay awake. He said he likes to read. Then he qualified that by saying he likes to read news and sports headlines mostly. WHY is it so unusual anymore to see a person reading an actual book?? In college, this one guy would see me occassionally sitting in a chair out on the balcony reading and would always, ALWAYS say "hey, it's the girl who reads a lot" in passing. Certain roommates were always mentioning to me that I read a lot and then they'd say that they like to read too but I never once caught them in the act... People will talk about how tough it was for them to get through a little 200-page grocery store paperback. UGH! Too many literate people are missing out on all the lives and worlds you can experience when reading. I want to boomarang War and Peace at their empty heads. Not that I've read War and Peace either.... but it's on the list.
I spotted this concentration camp of an abandoned school at the end of a road on the way to the coast and had Mom stop on the way back for some pictures. Eerie. This must be my future home since I insist on being poor.
It's a really long school, this is the rest of it. What an amazingly beautiful dump. It looks as though it has stood empty for decades. Why haven't they bulldozed it?
N - The happy, bouncing little tennis ball in your soul must be weeping right now.
Coastal cities in Washington are like ghost towns. Even in the summer when I went here with KJ, everything was run down and there were few tourists. Even a lot of the pretty summer homes dotting the coast looked abandoned. For some reason the population is sparse and there is very little development in most of this state outside of the Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia corridor.
gotta have the sparkly,
I LOVE THIS POST! You are SO freaking right!!! People used to alllwaaaays comment on how I read a lot in high school. They called me "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast because I they always saw me reading during down time. Reading is one of the chief joys of life and people who don't read, or only read Harry Potter and Twilight(which I love, don't get me wrong), thinking that they are dense literature -- are idiots.
"I want to boomerang War and Peace at their heads!" I loved that.
And it's so true that Americans are work-a-holics. I will never understand those crazies you just described who hold nothing in this world more sacred than money. Money is great, but getting a decent amount of free, personal, recreation time is essential to physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. HELLo.
And thank you, "N" for that tennis ball comment. That was hilarious. :)
It's ridiculous that people think it's necessary to point out loudly if someone reads a lot. It may be a rare thing (good grief), but it is so obnoxious. And I totally agree with all you said on workaholics.
I loved this post!! I totally miss you!
Also I think I need to add that as far as the workaholic thing goes, I'm only talking about people who don't like their jobs. If they just love their job and love spending 60 hours a week at it, then I say more power to them. As long as they're happy about the work they do and are not doing it just for a paycheck (and not neglecting their kids or something).
I'm also only talking about people who are paid on an hourly basis, because I know that managers on salary are pretty much forced to work excessive amounts of overtime in order to get their jobs done and not be fired.
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