Sunday, December 14, 2008
Snowed last night. First snow of the year in this neck of the woods. I went 40 mph on the freeway all the way home this morning and even slower on the bridge. There are a lot of icy overpasses here. This snow is beautiful but it's also really tame and granular compared to that of Utah. I really miss Utah winters...
I was massively restless the other day and went tearing down the road on two legs in the rain. When I started to run across the bridge -- as SOON as the bridge went from being over land to being over the sound, the atmosphere changed. A strong, bitterly cold continuous wind whipped across the bridgespan and the rain came down as ice pellets. I was literally able to stand in one spot on the bridge with arms spread and on one hand fell rain and on the other, ice. Couldn't believe how swift and drastic the change was - it was a great hands-on lesson in whyyy we are supposed to use caution on bridges and overpasses. It was intense!
To celebrate the weather today, I'm making corn chowder with roasted poblanos. Hmm... and cornbread. YUM! Nice to have the next couple days off.
I'm so glad you get a few days of rest! Yeah, those bridges would be scarrry... And it snowed up there, that's so unusual! I was hearing about it on CNN and wondering if you guys got any flakes. Oh, and it's barely snowed at all so far, this winter. It finally did, yesterday, but only about 2 inches. Enough to freeze the roads but not enough to make a good snowman. :( But it was still very pretty and very welcome. Can you save me some of that corn chowder and cornbread?? Haha, just kidding. And I love your Orange County post title!
I have to grade papers all night, and I'm taking a break right now. I've got 22 more to go, and I have to have them done by 11am tomorrow so the peeps can pick them up after their final. Treats. Can't WAIT to get out of here and see you this week!!!
That is such a cool thing to experience! "Rain and snow at once...a BAD omen" (From King Arthur; I know you haven't seen it, but it totally applies!)
Yeah, like Char said, we just had our first real snow of the season...except that it's pitiful looking, all half-melted. blah. Can't believe we'll all be up there this week though, I'm totally stoked to leave Provo. ;)
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