One more day!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

This New York Times article had me entertained for quite awhile last night.

Favorite quote of the day:

“I think he’s a charlatan,” said Peter Kenote, a violist. “At best his conducting is incompetent. At worst it’s laughable. I don’t feel the New York Philharmonic should be the platform for his obsession.”

Hahaha, well put. I love musicians.

It snowed caboodles overnight, so I had the distinct pleasure of scraping the ice and snow off the car again this morning. Who doesn't get a kick out of that? While lovingly etching the ice from the windshield, I somehow always feel akin to the horsemen of the past who had to work in their cold stables tacking their steeds, feeding them oats, and giving them hugs and kisses before riding off into the day. There's just something about that little bit of personal time and attention attending to the everyday contraptions we use that I really love.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Miles ran: 2
Miles walked: 1

Is it just me, or is it not one of the most hilarious things to read about modern-day pirates in a news headline? I laugh every time.

Say, $2,000 for a medicine ball

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snowed last night. First snow of the year in this neck of the woods. I went 40 mph on the freeway all the way home this morning and even slower on the bridge. There are a lot of icy overpasses here. This snow is beautiful but it's also really tame and granular compared to that of Utah. I really miss Utah winters...

I was massively restless the other day and went tearing down the road on two legs in the rain. When I started to run across the bridge -- as SOON as the bridge went from being over land to being over the sound, the atmosphere changed. A strong, bitterly cold continuous wind whipped across the bridgespan and the rain came down as ice pellets. I was literally able to stand in one spot on the bridge with arms spread and on one hand fell rain and on the other, ice. Couldn't believe how swift and drastic the change was - it was a great hands-on lesson in whyyy we are supposed to use caution on bridges and overpasses. It was intense!

To celebrate the weather today, I'm making corn chowder with roasted poblanos. Hmm... and cornbread. YUM! Nice to have the next couple days off.

New blog

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ran the bridge this morning and it was so cold my face went numb the way it does when riding up the Mammoth chairlift at Brighton -- that very slow, outmoded two-seater you turn into a popsicle on about two hours before reaching the top. It felt awesome. Almost, and I do stress the almost, as good as snowboarding. I'm pretty sure I looked like this kid without knowing it:

Only definitely not as cute. The sunrise was one of those slow-spreading ones that melts over the horizon. Brought my camera with me and kept stopping to gawk and take pictures when I was supposed to be running. Can you believe this is my backyard?

More often than not, the mornings here are incredibly foggy and when they are it's almost frightening to run across the bridge. The first time I ran in fog, I could hear the cars flying by but couldn't see them too well except for a flash of tail lights. The haunting horn of large boats in the water went off at regular intervals. The bridge itself looked like a ship plying the fog. It was so eerie. I realized on my run back that the boat horns I kept hearing were in fact coming from the pylons of the bridge where they touched the water in warning for any boats that might sail underneath.

I'm sure there will be more bridge pictures in the future on this blog.

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