A few neato buildings downtown

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dans chaque rue, il y a un inconnu qui rêve d'être quelqu'un.


Tiffany said...

Nice pictures Nikki!

And I understood all the French, except "un inconnu." What does it mean?

Nolan said...

I love shots of buildings. Thanks!

Char said...

My favorite is the third one up from the bottom, with the kid-colored framing and reflective blue glass. These are so fun!

Char said...

You're not unknown to me, and I know what you mean about dreaming to be someone, like Howard Roark...

I also like the first and second buildings a lot, I love the curviness of the first and the eyelet-lace-like design of the second one. I love when I get to teach about 20th century architecture in class, skyscrapers are so dang majestic.

Nikki said...

That French I ripped off of a cool poster for Taxidriver that I saw one night in the window of a men's ubertrendy clothing shop. I thought it was amazingly succinct.

Tiff: un inconnu means an unknown

My favorite buildings are the eyelet-lace box one that you mentioned Char, and also the second from the bottom that has what looks like castle ramparts (it's much more fascinating in person). I love very old, brick buildings.

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