Monday, May 25, 2009
Jone's Hole - Fish Hatchery and 8-mile hike roundtrip down Ely Creek into the Green River. You have to drive to the north side of Dinosaur National Monument to reach this lush oasis. I spent a happy day walking along this easy trail, with a side trip up to a small waterfall.
There is a place along the trail here called Deluge Shelter which, according to archeologists, served as a home to at least five different cultures. Petroglyphs abound on the walls here:
Split Mountain and the Green River that cut down through it:
Sounds of Silence Trail - Another 2-miler near the housing area where I live. It's a less-structured trail than the Desert Voices one and is used much less often. You get to walk through an anfractuosity (labyrinth) and up high onto giant eolian sandstone ridges. Here is the view from the top:
Hanging out on the rocks after the hike, watching the sun go down:
"...the scenery was on a grand scale, and never before did I live in such ecstasy for an entire month..." J.W. Powell
I love these pictures! The scenery is so beautiful! The bug makes me happy!!! He's so fuzzy-wuzzy!
I love that you're walking all of these trails and have fallen in love with the romance and bravery of Powell. So dang amazing.
And I looove the pictures of the creek and waterfall. They look heavenly!
What's the estimated age of these glyphs?
They say the glyphs are from between 200 A.D. and 1300 A.D.
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